
Clubs and societies


Interact Club

Interact is Rotary International’s service club for young people aged 12 to 18. Interact clubs are sponsored by individual Rotary clubs, which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting.

Our school Interact Club was reformed in 2013 and has been running since then under the guidance of the Year 11 Coordinator for each year.

Each year, Interact clubs complete at least two community service projects, one of which furthers international understanding and goodwill. Through these efforts, Interactors develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn the importance of:

  • developing leadership skills and personal integrity

  • demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others

  • understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work

  • advancing international understanding and goodwill dvancing international understanding and goodwill

As one of the most significant and fastest-growing programs of Rotary service, with more than 10,700 clubs in 109 countries and geographical areas, Interact has become a worldwide phenomenon, with over 200,000 young people involved.


Each year, Ferny Grove State High School registers a number of teams to compete in the Queensland Debating Union (QDU) competition. Debating is a great way for students to develop their abilities in reasoned argument and public speaking. In addition, debating builds self-confidence and promotes teamwork. Students who commit to interschool debating work with their team and team coach to prepare debates on a variety of topics. Debates usually take place on Wednesday nights and the initial heats involve each team debating against other Brisbane schools four times. Teams which win three or four of their initial debates progress to the preliminary finals and finals rounds.

Students in Years 8-12 who wish to participate in a school debating team must submit a debating form to the English HOD, signed by a parent/carer, by the second week of Term 1 as teams are registered with the QDU by the end of that week.

Students in Year 7 who wish to participate in a school debating team must submit a debating form to the English HOD, signed by a parent/carer, early in Term 2 of the school year.

Details about debating each year are advertised to students in their English class and via student notices.

Last reviewed 16 January 2024
Last updated 16 January 2024