Connecting school and community
The P&C Association plays a vital role in today's secondary education system and Ferny Grove State High School is fortunate to have strong active parent participation. The P&C Association works very closely with the school executive towards building a stronger school community where all students benefit. In recent years, P&C funds have provided shade structures, an upgrade of the resource centre, refitting of science classrooms, upgrades of the canteen/coffee station and uniform shop, along with air conditioning in the majority of the school.
The P&C Association promotes productive partnerships between parents and teachers to help provide the best possible educational, cultural and social experiences for students. When parents and the school work together we can ensure that the vision and direction of the school is compatible with that of the parents and the broader community.
Our P&C Association strives to build a stronger school community by:
contributing to school policy decisions
building active parent support groups
providing financial contributions to enhance the learning environment
managing a nutritious and healthy canteen
operating an efficient school uniform shop
supporting school activities and events
cultivating school-community partnerships.
At Ferny Grove State High School parents may choose to become involved in a number of ways. There are opportunities to join groups or sub-committees of interest, such as the P&C Executive committee, School Council (by election through the P&C), music support group, parent sport support group, ag support group and languages parent support group or by participating on the local chaplaincy committee as parent representatives. Alternatively, parents may choose to respond to surveys, attend parent forums or volunteer at the canteen or uniform shop.
Our meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month, commencing at 6pm and finishing at 8pm in the Resource Centre.
Minutes of previous meetings are posted once they have been approved at the following general meeting.
No January Meeting - School Holidays
Monday 26th February - General Meeting
Monday 25th March - General Meeting & AGM
Monday 27th May - General Meeting
No June Meeting - School Holidays
Monday 22nd July - General Meeting
No September Meeting - School Holidays |
Monday 28th October - General Meeting
2024 P&C Executive committee
President: Cameron Wearing
Vice-president: Amanda Smyth
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Rolf Sterzl
Non-executive committee
Business Operations Manager: Jodi Birch
P&Cs Queensland representative: Vacant
Grants Officer: Vanessa Baird
P&C Parent support groups (sub-committees)
Parent support groups allow parents to become involved in programs their students access. All parents are encouraged to attend sub-committee meetings relevant to activities in which their children participate. These support groups are dependent for their success not only on the dedication and commitment of school staff but on the support and assistance of the parents and members of the school community through this sub-committee network. Parents not only have the opportunity to meet the teachers involved but also to find out what is happening within these specialised areas. Each parent support group operates as a sub-committee of the P&C Association. Ferny Grove State High School has at present four established parent support groups - music, languages, AG and sport.
For information about meeting dates and getting involved with any of these groups, please contact the P&C Association.