Carnival and Representative Selection
As part of the Queensland School Sport Representative Pathway Ferny Grove SHS holds carnivals for Swimming (Term 1), Cross country (Term 1) and Athletics (Term 2). These carnivals are well supported by students with participation of all students in attendance a high priority. Students are encouraged to dress in their house colours and to join in on the spirit of the day. Whilst participation is at the forefront of all whole school events, individual event and Age Champion honours, as well as the ultimate prize of being crowned “Champion House" provides for fierce competition. Participation in these days is required to progress through to the next stage of the Queensland School Sport Representative Pathway.
Swimming Carnival
The Swimming Carnival is usually held early in the year. Having no access to a swimming pool for HPE lessons, we are heavily reliant on ‘Club Swimmers’ to make up the bulk of our representative team. Other than the medleys and 100m Freestyle, all events are 50m.
We do not ‘pre-nominate’ for events. The number of heats is determined by the number of swimmers presenting at the marshalling area. Faster swimmers and those interested in going to the District competition are requested to swim in the first two heats. All lanes and heats are timed.
Two competitors for each event are nominated to go to Districts, usually 1st and 2nd in each event.
Cross Country
The Cross Country event is held early in Term 2 . Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 negotiate the course in HPE classes prior to the event. This is to both familiarise runners with the course, and discuss strategies to successfully complete the run, depending on the fitness level of the student.
Students run a true cross country, including a series of hills, varied terrain and a creek crossing (usually wet!). The course is around 3.8km in length.
Years 7 – 9 run together, followed by Years 10 – 12.
The cross country is a compulsory activity for all students to complete, even if they walk the course.
Ten competitors from each age group are nominated to go to the District Cross Country event.
Athletics Carnival
The Athletics Carnival (Track and Field) is held towards the end of July. Discus, triple jump and 1500m are held prior to the carnival day (for safety and logistics considerations). Again, the emphasis is on participation, often with six heats of 100m in each age group. The Champion House is usually decided by the relays, the winner invariably the one which has the greatest number of people participating.
Four runners are selected for the 100m to compete at Districts, and two competitors in all other events.
Competition and Selection Policies for District and Region Carnivals
- Students must participate in the appropriate event at our school carnivals to have the opportunity to be selected in our representative teams for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics.
- In the case of 'legitimate' absence or sickness, a direct nomination can be made to the carnival organisers. Inclusion in the representative team under these circumstances is dependent on space in the event and the provision of comparative times or distances achieved.
- Times / distances in this circumstance are to be achieved through competition at a club or other event. Verification from an official is required.
- Swimmers and athletes may nominate for events not included in our carnivals (e.g., 5000m run, 100m butterfly.) Verified times / distances from recognised swimming or athletics meets will be needed.
- Student must be present on the day of the carnival to become 'Age Champion'
Ferny Grove SHS has a proud history in all carnivals, and has not been defeated in cross country or athletics in District competition in over 12 years. Should a student be selected in a team based on his or her performance in a school carnival, there is an expectation that they will compete in the Ferny Grove SHS team at the respective District carnival. Students also compete under the banner of Ferny Grove SHS if they are selected to attend a Metropolitan North carnival for swimming, cross country or athletics.
Participation in Metropolitan North carnivals is invitational, and students are encouraged - but not expected - to participate in these events.