Each parent is legally required to ensure their child is enrolled and attends school on every school day unless
reasonable and valid grounds exist for them to be absent, eg; Illness, Emergency Family Matters or Essential
Medical Appointment. Please note: Family Holidays should be scheduled during school holiday periods.
Schooling is compulsory for children until they turn 16, or they complete Year 10 - whichever comes first
(Education ‘General Provisions Act 2006’).
Parents of students/independent students who are absent are required to provide a written or verbal
explanation (via any of the following: Compass, Qparents, email or voice message on absence line). For cases
of extended illness /absences this is required to be confirmed writing with medical certificates/documentation
provided. Please note: if you forget to inform the school a text message will be sent at approx. 10:30am
informing you that your child is absent – it is possible to reply directly to this message with the reason.
Unexplained or inadequately explained absences will be deemed as unauthorised or unjustified absences.
Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal
attendance meeting. Unresolved attendance issues of post-compulsory students may result in withdrawal
of credit from subjects or cancellation of enrolment for failure to participate in a program of instruction.
Student Procedures
Students are expected to arrive on time for the start of each lesson and have the required materials.
Attendance is marked in the first 10 minutes of each lesson.
Arriving late during Form Class
- Students arriving late to school must move directly to their Form class.
- Students attending school instead of being on a SCHEDULED EXCURSION or an OFF-CAMPUS activity must
report to the office on arrival to school.
Arriving late during Period 1, 2, 3 or 4
- Students arriving late to school must report to the office to sign in and receive a ‘late arrival’ slip.
NOTE: Students arriving late to class with non-validated reasons can expect to receive a disciplinary
consequence from their classroom teacher. Repeated late arrivals and non-attendance will be reported to
Heads of Department for action. Students are required to catch up with work missed during their absence.
Whole Day Absence
Students recorded as absent from school must have their absence validated by a parent /carer through any
of the following:
Early Departure Process
- Parent to contact school prior to departure with student name, time and reason for leaving early.
- Attendance note is generated on Compass.
- Student presents to office before departing school ground to be signed out on Compass.
Note: No student will be permitted to leave school grounds without an official ‘LEAVE PASS’. Policies and
procedures may change or be updated throughout the year.