Ferny Grove State High School has an active Music Support Group comprised of parents and friends of the music program. The group is responsible for fundraising, writing submissions, and providing refreshments for students, staff and audience members at all performances. Fundraising activities provide the financial resources to purchase high quality instruments that help to enhance the calibre of performances, allow for the commissioning of music scores and employment of specialised tutors for the program. For example, the program has purchased items such as a grand piano, a set of electric drums and choir risers.
Parents are frequent visitors to the music staffroom and are encouraged not only to attend concerts but also to get involved in performing. The high level of joint involvement by parents and students strengthens the whole school community. Inspired by the success of the students’ choral projects, parents have continued the tradition by forming their own choir. This Community Choir now regularly performs at Gala Concerts and Soirees. The MSG regularly gets together with the HOD of Instrumental Music and other staff at meetings throughout the school year.
2024 Meeting Dates
Monday 19th February - General Meeting & Election of Office Bearers
Tuesday 19th March - General Meeting
Wednesday 17th April - General Meeting
Wednesday 29th May - General Meeting
Wednesday 24th July - General Meeting
Wednesday 4th September - CANCELLED
Wednesday 4th October - General Meeting
Wednesday 2nd October - General Meeting
Wednesday 20th November - General Meeting - Corbett & Claude @ Everton Park from 6.30pm.
All meetings commence at 6:30pm in V3.
Chairperson |
Sarah Campling
Kerry Manifold
Deborah Joyce