


Willkommen Zur FGSHS Sprachenabteilung!

Selamat Datang di Departmen Bahasa! 

​​​​Welcome to the FGSHS Languages Department!

Language skills and cultural sensitivity will be the currency of (the new) world order.  Our future prosperity and security will depend on our ability to understand these cultures and build bridges to the citizens of these nations and all our immediate neighbours.  If (our) future is to be one of peace and prosperity our kids will need a capacity to engage in a dialogue with others of different cultures and creeds.  And that applies within Australia and abroad. (Major General Peter Cosgrove, 2002).

Ferny Grove State High School offers students the opportunity to enrol in German, German Immersion or Indonesian. Students undertake the study of one language for the duration of one semester at year seven and year eight, and are then encouraged to continue their study of a language at middle school and senior school level.

Our curriculum delivery focuses on the development of high-frequency vocabulary and comprehension of key grammatical structures, using language which students will find relevant and beneficial to their future studies.

The topics taught are also designed to enhance students' understanding of the customs and culture of the nation as well as enhance their vocabulary knowledge in an engaging manner. The key language and grammar techniques studied over the course each year provides the basis for students to continue their progress of studying a language in middle school, senior school and future tertiary study.

Our Languages programs are highly regarded:  Ferny Grove State High School is a PASCH school, one of four schools in Australia to be part of the global network of schools teaching German.


Ferny Grove State High School has a strong and valued German program.  From years 7-12, students are offered the opportunity to delve into the linguistic and cultural world of the German speaking countries of Europe, building on their previous language experiences in primary school.

With one of the strongest economies in the world and the leader in many areas of technology and culture, German is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.  Careers in engineering, science, business, tourism, foreign affairs, journalism, travel, trade, the law and politics can benefit from knowledge of German.  Australian culture has also been influenced through early German settlement.

The four specific skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking are developed in a variety of class room activities, based on a thematic approach.  Some topics covered in our German program include:

Year 7On the FarmSchool 
Year 8Sport and HobbiesMy Favourite Things 
Year 9ShoppingCooking and FoodFashionDaily Routine
Year 10HolidaysFairytalesEnterprise GermanYouth Culture
Unit 1 – My WorldFamily, Carers and FriendsLifestyle and LeisureEducation 
Unit 2 – Exploring our WorldTravelTechnology and MediaContribution of German Culture to the World 
Unit 3 – Our SocietyRoles and RelationshipsSocialising and Connecting with PeersGroups in Society 
Unit 4 – My FuturePlans Beyond School and ReflectionsResponsibilities and Moving On  

German Immersion Program?​

The German Immersion program at Ferny Grove State High School offers students an exciting opportunity to develop a very high level of German language proficiency through learning the regular curriculum in German. Students learn exactly the same curriculum as other students during Years 7, 8 and 9 but through the German language.

How does the German Immersion Program Work?
Students enrolled in the German Immersion program study the core subjects, which include German, Science, Humanities and Health and Physical Education (HPE), delivered in German.

Additionally, the German Immersion electives across years seven, eight and nine may include Agriculture, The Arts, Digital Technology and a Design/STEM unit. Please note subjects taught in the target language are determined by teacher availability.

In Year 10, students continue to learn Science and Humanities and HPE in German, and begin the Year 11 program of the Senior German course.

Benefits of the Program

  • Acquire knowledge of the German language to a high level and experience the rich variety of German culture.
  • Enhances intercultural knowledge through interactions with German speakers within and outside of German speaking countries.
  • Develops flexibility of thinking, problem solving and critical thinking skills through learning the curriculum in German.
  • Promotes persistence and risk-taking in learning.
  • Boosts understanding of English literacy through becoming explicitly aware that languages use a system (grammar) to communicate.
  • Opens doors to study and career opportunities, especially in Europe where German is the most widely spoken language.
  • Provides opportunities in Year 12 (after completing Senior German in Year 11) to study German Extension, which also contributes to an ATAR.
  • Participate in global projects with other German students from around the world through the Partner School of the Future Program (PASCH network).  Fully-funded scholarships to Germany are awarded annually to two outstanding students of German.
  • Opportunity to sit the 'Fit in Deutsch 2' examination, an examination conducted globally by the Goethe Institut, to demonstrate German language ability against the common European benchmark A2.

How do I apply?
Parents of interested students indicate their interest in Year 6 by completing a Signature Programs Expression of Interest Form.

On this form, you indicate your preference for German Immersion. Students are selected on the basis of their primary school results, recommendations by their primary classroom and language teachers and evidence of their motivation to learn. 

Successful applicants are motivated students and are above average academically. Students are expected to commit to the program for four years.

For more information, please call the Languages staffroom on 3550 5863.

German Extension

German Extension is available in Year 12 to students who have completed year 12 German in year 11, continuing on from their three-year German Immersion Program. 

Students who have completed the German Immersion Program will only study German Extension in year 12. 

German Extension focuses on practical use of language in all areas of work and social life.  Major topics include literature and film, immigration and a research task chosen by the student in collaboration with their classroom teacher. ​

Exchange Programs

Towards the end of Year 10, students have the opportunity to travel to Germany on a three-week exchange program.

Students stay with German families, attend school and tour Germany.  We also host German students from these schools early each year. 

Our two partner schools are Schiller Gymnasium in Muenster and Luitpold Gymnasium in Munich.

PASCH - Schools: Partners for the future 

Ferny Grove State High School is proud to be one of 1000 partner schools in the worldwide network of PASCH – Schools: Partners for the Future

This initiative of the German Federal Foreign Office is aimed to support young people's interest in and enthusiasm for modern-day Germany and German society. The program is also dedicated to creating and strengthening ties with German speaking people across the globe via online networking and international language camps.

As one of only four such schools in Australia, the PASCH network offers the German teachers and students of Ferny Grove State High highly valuable professional development, scholarship and cultural activity opportunities.​


Indonesian is offered to students from years 7 to 12, which prerequisites determining student's enrolment in the subject at middle and senior school.  The course aims to develop students' language proficiency in Indonesian whilst concurrently learning about the traditions, religions and cultures of the region.

Bahasa Indonesia, the official language of over 240 million people, is the fifth most spoken language in the world.  As a unifying language, Bahasa Indonesia is the common link for over 300 culturally and ethnically diverse groups who inhabit over 3,600 islands across the archipelago.

Geographically, Indonesia is our closest neighbour and plays a crucial role in Australia's future.  Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia will contribute to a greater understanding of the Indonesian culture and traditions for our mutual benefit.

Bahasa Indonesia is used throughout the archipelago in all spheres of government and public life, including education, health, engineering, trade, commerce, law, foreign affairs and mass media.  Currently our bilateral defence and border co-operation relies upon bi-lingual Australian and Indonesian employees.

The four specific skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking are developed in a variety of class room activities, based on a thematic approach.  Some topics covered in our Indonesian program include:

Year 7Welcome to IndonesiaFamily and Pets 
Year 8School and TransportFood and Drink 
Year 9Hobbies and EntertainmentOur EnvironmentTravelCelebrations and Ceremonies
Year 10Weather and Village/City Life
HealthStudent ExchangeIndonesian History
Unit 1 – My WorldFamily, Carers and FriendsLifestyle and LeisureEducation 
Unit 2 – Exploring our WorldTravelTechnology and MediaContribution of Indonesian Culture to the World 
Unit 3 – Our SocietyRoles and RelationshipsSocialising and Connecting with PeersGroups in Society 
Unit 4 – My FuturePlans Beyond School and ReflectionsResponsibilities and Moving On 

Last reviewed 18 March 2025
Last updated 18 March 2025