


​​Welcome to the Science Faculty at Ferny Grove State High School.

All students study the Australian Curriculum Science from year 7 to 10 at FGSHS. The curriculum encourages students to stay curious and ask questions about the changing world around us.

Across the four sub-strands of science understanding (biological, chemical, physical and Earth and space sciences) students develop scientific literacy, and learn to think critically and creatively. They learn about the processes and practices used to build scientific understanding and how it is constantly revised, refined and extended as new discoveries are made and new evidence arises. They investigate phenomena seen in the world around us, make predictions, experiment, work collaboratively and solve problems. Students investigate how science contributes to society, culture and our day to day lives and are encouraged to ask questions and draw evidence-based conclusions when making decisions.

Students are mostly assessed through Written Exams, Research Investigations and Student Experiments.

Over the four years of study (7-10) students develop skills and understandings to make informed decisions about local, national and global issues, and prepare for science-based further study and careers. Science is important for a diverse range of STEM field pathways, and opens up access for further study and a variety of jobs and careers.

Ferny Grove SHS has high numbers of students choosing science subjects (many choose to do multiple sciences) as part of their senior and beyond pathways.​

Senior Sciences - Year 11 – 12

Agricultural Science - General Subject

Agricultural Science is an interdisciplinary science subject suited to students who are interested in the application of science in a real-world context. They understand the importance of using science to predict possible effects of human and other activity, and to develop management plans or alternative technologies that minimise these effects and provide for a more sustainable future.

Students examine the plant and animal science required to understand agricultural systems, their interactions and their components. They examine resources and their use and management in agricultural enterprises, the implications of using and consuming these resources, and associated management approaches. Students investigate how agricultural production systems are managed through an understanding of plant and animal physiology, and how they can be manipulated to ensure productivity and sustainability. They consider how environmental, social and financial factors can be used to evaluate production systems, and how research and innovation can be used and managed to improve food and fibre production.

Students learn and apply aspects of the knowledge and skill of the discipline (thinking, experimentation, problem-solving and research skills), understand how it works and how it may impact society.

Biology - General Subject

Biology provides opportunities for students to engage with living systems.

Students develop their understanding of cells and multicellular organisms. They engage with the concept of maintaining the internal environment. They study biodiversity and the interconnectedness of life. This knowledge is linked with the concepts of heredity and the continuity of life.

Students learn and apply aspects of the knowledge and skills of the discipline (thinking, experimentation, problem-solving and research skills), understand how it works and how it may impact society. They develop their sense of wonder and curiosity about life; respect for all living things and the environment; understanding of biological systems, concepts, theories and models; appreciation of how biological knowledge has developed over time and continues to develop; a sense of how biological knowledge influences society.

Students plan and carry out fieldwork, laboratory and other research investigations; interpret evidence; use sound, evidence-based arguments creatively and analytically when evaluating claims and applying biological knowledge; and communicate biological understanding, findings, arguments and conclusions using appropriate representations, modes and genres.

Chemistry - General Subject

Chemistry is the study of materials and their properties and structure.

Students study atomic theory, chemical bonding, and the structure and properties of elements and compounds. They explore intermolecular forces, gases, aqueous solutions, acidity and rates of reaction. They study equilibrium processes and redox reactions. They explore organic chemistry, synthesis and design to examine the characteristic chemical properties and chemical reactions displayed by different classes of organic compounds.

Students develop their appreciation of chemistry and its usefulness; understanding of chemical theories, models and chemical systems; expertise in conducting scientific investigations. They critically evaluate and debate scientific arguments and claims in order to solve problems and generate informed, responsible and ethical conclusions, and communicate chemical understanding and findings through the use of appropriate representations, language and nomenclature.

Students learn and apply aspects of the knowledge and skills of the discipline (thinking, experimentation, problem-solving and research skills), understand how it works and how it may impact society.

Physics- General Subject

Physics provides opportunities for students to engage with classical and modern understandings of the universe.

Students learn about the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics, electricity and nuclear processes; and about the concepts and theories that predict and describe the linear motion of objects. Further, they explore how scientists explain some phenomena using an understanding of waves. They engage with the concept of gravitational and electromagnetic fields, and the relevant forces associated with them. They study modern physics theories and models that, despite being counterintuitive, are fundamental to our understanding of many common observable phenomena.

Students develop appreciation of the contribution physics makes to society: understanding that diverse natural phenomena may be explained, analysed and predicted using concepts, models and theories that provide a reliable basis for action; and that natter and energy interact in physical systems across a range of scales. They understand how models and theories are refined, and new ones developed in physics; investigate phenomena and solve problems; collect and analyse data; and interpret evidence. Students use accurate and precise measurement, valid and reliable evidence, and scepticism and intellectual rigour to evaluate claims; and communicate physics understanding, findings, arguments and conclusions using appropriate representations, modes and genres.

Students learn and apply aspects of the knowledge and skills of the discipline (thinking, experimentation, problem-solving and research skills), understand how it works and how it may impact society.​​​

Psychology- General Subject

Psychology provides opportunities for students to engage with concepts that explain behaviours and underlying cognitions.

Students examine individual development in the form of the role of the brain, cognitive development, human consciousness and sleep. They investigate the concept of intelligence; the process of diagnosis and how to classify psychological disorder and determine an effective treatment; and the contribution of emotion and motivation on individual behaviour. They examine individual thinking and how it is determined by the brain, including perception, memory, and learning. They consider the influence of others by examining theories of social psychology, interpersonal processes, attitudes and cross-cultural psychology.

Students learn and apply aspects of the knowledge and skill of the discipline (thinking, experimentation, problem-solving and research skills), understand how it works and how it may impact society.

Science In Practice - Applied Subject

Science in Practice develops critical thinking skills through the evaluation of claims using systematic reasoning and an enhanced scientific understanding of the natural and physical world.

Students learn through a contextual interdisciplinary approach that includes aspects of at least two science disciplines — Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science or Physics. They are encouraged to become scientifically literate, that is, to develop a way of thinking and of viewing and interacting with the world that engages the practical and analytical approaches of scientific inquiry.

Students plan investigations, analyse research and evaluate evidence. They engage in practical activities, such as experiments and hands-on investigations. Through investigations they develop problem-solving skills that are transferable to new situations and a deeper understanding of the nature of science

Co-curricular activities

Science tutoring is held every Wednesday afternoon from 3:15pm to 4:30pm, in X105. All year levels are welcome. Teachers are on hand to assist students with any concerns they may have with class work, homework or assessment tasks. (Students are also encouraged to seek out teachers at other times if they need assistance).

Our science faculty is part of the University of Queensland's Science Ambassador Program. Students are welcome to engage in promoting science within the school community under the leadership of our junior and senior Science Leaders - for example the running of science week activities.

Science club operates during lunch times as coordinated by the student Science Leaders. This committee generally organizes science-based activities and events throughout the year.​

Last reviewed 18 March 2025
Last updated 18 March 2025